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Killing Penguins - A hungry penguin's explanation for the urgency of sustainable transport

In this post I'd like to talk about penguins, the "formally dressed" aquatic flightless birds mostly inhabiting the southern hemisphere. Although not all penguins are found in cold regions, I'd like to talk especially about those living in Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic region. I am not an ecologist, not a trained environmentalist, to be frank I don't even particularly like penguins any more than other species of animals. But, as so far there is only one planet for us, for better or worse, humans and penguins are co-tenant of this earth. Although my current housemate is amazing, I have had my share of annoying housemates and neighbours in the past (the noisy ones, the sloppy ones, the nosy ones who think that if you don't live your life the way they live theirs you are doing it wrong) and I believe it would be great if we could put more effort into our cohabitation with the penguins. I'd like to say that no actual penguins are harmed as you read this

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